- 10th SEPTEMBER 2011
Rhodes, GREECE
INSTRUCTIONS TO THE AUTHORS for full manuscripts
Deadline for full paper submission: 31st of March 2011
Language: English
Length maximum 8 pages
The first page should include: title, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s), extended summary, key words
Tables and figures should be embedded in the manuscript.
Submission as MS Word file.
Format guidelines
Paper size: A4 page - margins: top 2.6 cm, bottom 2.6 cm, left 2.8 cm, right 2.8 cm
Fonts: please use Arial fonts throughout the document
Spacing: single
Title: up to 3 lines, Arial 12 pt, Bold, caps, centered
Author(s) name(s): Arial 11 pt, Bold, caps, centered, "and" before last name. Corresponding author: underlined.
Affiliation: Arial 11 pt, centered, full postal address. E-mail address of corresponding author: optional
Extended abstract: approximately 400 words (till the end of first page), Arial 11 pt, fully justified
Key words: up to 2 lines, Arial 11 pt, fully justified
Headings: Arial 11 pt, caps, left justified
Main text: Arial 11 pt, fully justified. Do not intent paragraphs.
References: Arial 10 pt, journal titles and book titles in italic. Each reference should start with the surname of the author followed by the initial(s) of the given name, and publication date (see example for details).
Submittal of paper:
Please submit the full paper via e-mail to the Conference Secretariat.
Alternatively you may submit the full paper in hard copy with an accompanying CD-ROM.
CEST2011 Secretariat
University of the Aegean
30, Voulgaroktonou str.
GR 114 72 Athens, Greece
tel. +30 210 6492450, 6492452
fax +30 210 6492499
e-mail: cest2011@aegean.gr
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e-mail to: cest2011@aegean.gr |