Friday July 3, 1998, 14:30 - 16:10, Poster Session I.

B.Bansenauer, J. Clay, A. Smith, LAB-based Calculus Reform at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

M.Barry, J.S.Williams, The "Test and Learn" Server.

K.Benbury, R.Berg, Enhancing Linear Algebra with Technology.

I.A.Boyadzhiev, Study of the Logarithmic Spiral in the Geometer Sketchpad Environment.

S. Brown, J.Bergman, Show Me the Mathematics.

F.Bubenik, Computer Algebra Systems in Mathematical Subjects.

V.Dagdilelis, Maya Satratzemi. Post's Machine Picoworld as a Bridge Between Programming and Mathematics: Didactic Considerations.

M.Diamantis, M.Hartog, Results from a Mathematics "Laboratory" Component to a Mathematics Content Course for Prospective Elementary/Middle School Teachers.

J.J.Edgell, A Geometric Model for Cognitively Understanding xm/n.

M.Ehrlich, Teaching Undergraduates with Math Manipulatives.

T.M.Gagen, Some Experiences with Distance Education in Mathematics at the University of Sydney.

F.Gordon, Using Real-World Data in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.

J.Hirst, H.Hirst, Technology in Undergraduate Pure Mathematics Courses.

A.Balas, Assessment of Pedagogical Reform and Curriculum Transformation in College Algebra.

C.Kahle, Teaching Formats in Math Education for Non-Majors.

P.Kent, P.Ramsden, Trajectories for Learning: Mathematica for a Dynamics Course.

L.Kinnunen, T.Terho, M.Pesonen, Promoting the Pre-Service Math Teachers' Identification to the Profession Within Their Undergraduate Mathematics Subject Studies.

M.Majewski, Exploring 3D Mathematical Objects with Maple V and POV-Ray.

M.McConnell, Innovative Teaching Strategies: Using Writing Assignments in Teaching Mathematics.

B.Pollack-Johnson, A.Borchardt, The Use of Student-Generated Projects to Teach Mathematics.

D.A.Quinney, ODEArchitect.

B.Ramirez, J.Quintana, Using CBL-Technology to Improve Science Education in Puerto Rico.

M.Rosenzweig, Organizing Effectively for Cooperative Learning.

A.Samson, R.Jackson, J.Callender, Teaching Mathematics and Statistics Using Computer Algebra Packages.

E.Schuster, Playing and Experimenting in Teaching Mathematics.

V.Spiliotopoulou, University Students' Models of Two Geometrical Problems.

C.Tzanakis, Introducing an Historical Perspective in Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching: The Case of the Relation Between Mathematics and Physics.

L.Wood, Advanced Mathematical Discourse


Saturday July 4, 1998, 14:30 - 16:10, Poster Session II.


J.L.Arahovitis, On Connections with Other Disciplines' Mathematical Models of Cognitive Theories.

Kh.N.Boyadzhiev, Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations with Maple and TI-85.

B.E.West, Financial Mathematics and Adults Returning to the University.

R.E.Farnsworth, The Effect of the Use of Footnote-Style Referenced Reasons in the Teaching and Learning of Proof in Geometry.

B.Ferrucci, J.Carter, Integrating Graphing Technology and Algebraic Reasoning into a Program for Prospective Secondary School Mathematics Teachers.

D.Gavalas, Systemic Study of the "Teaching System". Category Theory as Background for Foundation and Teaching of Mathematics.

J.Graver, Calculus for the Life Sciences with the TI-92.

J.Gruber, How the Pythagorean Theory of Metempsychosis and Plato's Theories of ANAMNESIS and MAIEUTIC and Psychotherapeutic Methods Can Be Helpful in Teaching and Learning Mathematics.

G.A.Harris, Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: A World Wide Web Site.

P.Heath, Eilleen Benton. Implementing the NCTM Standards in College Mathematics.

H.Henning, Practicizing Math as a Method of Recognition.

S.Huggett, Assessment by Viva in Elementary Group Theory.

J.Isaacson, The Effects of Static Graphic, Animated Graphic, and Interactive Animated Graphic Computer Presentations on Acquisition of the Tangent Concept.

P.Kahn, Diagnostic Testing of the Skills of Advanced Mathematical Thinking. An Introduction to Advanced Mathematical Thinking.

E.Kaminski, Towards an Understanding of Teacher Education Students' Use of Number Sense.

Z.Liu, G.Smith, L.Wood, Rethinking the Teaching of Mean Value Theorem.

J.Long, S.Cluxton, Calculus: An Olympic Event.

K.C.Mittag, L.B.Collins, How do Reform Calculus I Students Perform in Traditional Calculus Courses?

D.Nomishan, The Constructivist Approach to Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics Concepts.

T.Patronis, An Analysis of Individual Students' Views of Mathematics and its Uses: The Influence of Academic Teaching and Other Social Contexts.

D.Petocz, N.Smith, P.Petocz, Inverse Functions--A New Approach for Teaching and Learning.

B.Pollack-Johnson, A.Borchardt, Teaching the Entire Process of Problem-Solving in a Mathematics Course for Business and Social Science Students.

J.E.Quinn, An Interactive Problem Solving Unit.

S.Saads, G.Davis, K.Hirst, Exploring How Students Make Sense of Polyhedral Sensory Data.

J.Thrash, Conceptual Calculus.

D.R.Traylor, E.Szecsy, An Innovative Integrated Mathematics/Science Course for Prospective Elementary Teachers.

R.Welchman, B.Freeouf, Stimulating Your College Students with Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics Interdisciplinary Curricula (SYSTEMIC).

J.White, Computers: Medium vs. Method of Instruction in Community College Mathematics

A.Scaringella, Some interactive applications in Java related to nuclear magnetic resonance for distance learning on the web